If you are interested in writing a thesis at our research group, please contact us via email.
- If you are interested in hybrid systems verification, SMT solving, or probabilistic systems, please contact theses[at]ths.rwth-aachen.de .
- If you are interested in computational renewable energy, please contact
renewable-theses[at]ths.rwth-aachen.de .
In your email, please indicate your interests, preferences and prior knowledge and attach a current transcript of records as well as a short, tabular CV/resume. You should have a strong interest in mathematics and formal methods.
We will reply whether we have a suitable topic available and, if yes, set up a meeting with you to discuss it. If you want to write a thesis with us, the best is to contact us early such that we can look for a suitable topic and plan with our capacities accordingly.
Topic areas
We offer topics in the following areas:
Hybrid systems verification
- Reachability analysis for hybrid systems
- Modelling and analysis of stochastic hybrid systems
SMT solving
- Decision procedures for arithmetic theories (both linear and non-linear)
- Heuristics for and adaptions of the cylindrical algebraic decomposition for non-linear arithmetic
- Novel methods for linear arithmetic
- Incomplete methods for non-linear arithmetic and their combination with complete methods
- Implementation in our SMT solver SMT-RAT
Probabilistic systems
- Verification of probabilistic hyperproperties
Computational renewable energy
- Heuristic layout optimization for solar thermal power plants [PDF]
In the following lists of running and completed theses you can find exemplary previous topics.
In progress
Please ask your supervisor for our checklist with information for thesis students.
- Rebecca Ertl, “Comparison of different projections in quantifier elimination for linear real arithmetic” (Master thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Valentin Promies)
- Sören Genn, “Analysis and evaluation of GPU raytracers” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Jan Hebisch, “Adapting cylindrical algebraic coverings for non-linear optimization” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Ilka Jorißen, “Simulation of central receiver systems considering obstacles” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Alexej Kolbin, “Traversal heuristics for cylindrical algebraic coverings” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Franz Leonard Link, “Verification of FNN with piecewise linear activation functions using CEGAR” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám, László Antal)
- Muhammad Hassan Maqsood, “Detection of roof shapes and obstacles using stereosatellite imagery” (Master thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Erdzan Rastoder, “Optimizing solar panel installation and assessing rooftop solar energy potential” (Master thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Jonas Spang, “On the mechanisms of simplex heuristics” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Arne Alexander Leon, “WindProof: A Validation Framework for Wind Farm Simulations” (Bachelor thesis 11/2024 , supervision Erika Ábrahám, Nicolai Radke) [slides]
- Georgios Arapatsakos, “Comparing HyperPCTL, HyperPCTL*, and PHL“ (Bachelor thesis 08/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Lina Gerlach) [slides]
- Patrick De Smet, “A Novel Approach to Scale Shadow Flicker Simulations for Wind Farms Using Approximations” (Bachelor thesis 09/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Nicolai Radke)
- Maria Kazantzi, “Reachability analysis with urgent jumps” (Master thesis 09/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, József Kovács)
- Jan Mattis Lipka, “A heuristical local search approach for solving satisfiability of polynomial formulas” (Bachelor thesis 05/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Valentin Promies)
- Matei-Cristian Nedelcu, “Wind turbine shadow cast simulation using raycasting” (Bachelor thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Carsten Perkampus, “Speed up single cell construction via combinatorial optimization” (Bachelor thesis 04/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Haiyan Saadi, “Label-synchronized reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 07/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, József Kovács)
- Peter Schlosshan, “Efficient and scalable sound propagation modeling for predicting wind turbine noise immission” (Bachelor thesis 11/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- David Elias Walter Schütte, “Modeling and simulation of tilt-and-roll heliostats in central receiver systems” (Bachelor thesis 05/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Vahe Vkhkryan, “A novel reduction method for star sets and its application in neural network verification” (Bachelor thesis 03/2024, supervision Erika Ábrahám, László Antal) [slides]
- Kristian Cović, “Heuristical variable ordering in the cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 01/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Nick Romain Jos Feiereisen, “Energetic evaluation of buildings” (Bachelor thesis 01/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Valentino Geuenich, “Occlusion for augmented reality windfarms in great distance” (Bachelor thesis 01/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Katharina Sofie Güths, “Conceptional design of an application for guidance in the energy-based refurbishment of residential buildings” (Master thesis 11/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Kai Hilgers, “A novel quantifier elimination algorithm for a pseudo-linear A*E fragment of real algebra” (Master thesis 11/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Valentin Promies)
- Ruoran Gabriela Jiang, “Verifying AI-controlled hybrid systems” (Master thesis 03/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, László Antal) [slides]
- Laura-Sophie Kirchner, “Pre- and inprocessing in SMT solving for real algebra” (Master thesis 09/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Valentin Promies)
- Marvin Alexander Krebber, “Modelling the heat demand of buildings” (Bachelor thesis 01/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Philip Kroll, “Implementation of cylindrical algebraic coverings for quantifier elimination” (Master thesis 12/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Md Al Mamun, “Simulation, planning and visualization of photovoltaic system on residential houses” (Master thesis 04/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Hana Masara, “Star set based reachability analysis of neural networks with differing layers and activation functions” (Bachelor thesis 06/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, László Antal) [slides]
- Sandesh Balasaheb Memane, “Calibration method for virtual load sensors of a wind turbine gearbox in serial production” (Master thesis, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Felix Nickels, “Building a framework for digital diagnostic interviews” (Master thesis 09/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Tim Luca Reimers, “Utilizing heuristics and data structures to optimize incremental FMPlex” (Bachelor thesis 03/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Valentin Promies)
- Benedikt Wilhelm Ricken, “Relaxed energetic simulation of the energy demands in buildings“(Bachelor thesis 10/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Vladimir Rzaev, “Solving the occlusion problem on mobile phones via server-based application of neural networks” (Bachelor thesis 08/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Henning Petzka)
- Rishabh Saxena, “Data scientific approach to solve occlusion in AR” (Master thesis 09/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Henning Petzka)
- Rui Miguel Oliviera Sobrinho, “Building an e-learning web app with automated exercise generation” (Bachelor thesis 11/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, József Kovács)
- Philippe Specht, “Improving incremental linearization for satisfiability modulo non-linear real arithmetic checking” (Master thesis 04/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Hao Tran, “Implementation of sparse polynomial zonotopes in HyPro” (Bachelor thesis 11/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, József Kovács)
- Paul Tristan Wagner, “Piecewise linear under-approximation of cell boundaries in MCSAT” (Bachelor thesis 07/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Lisa Kristin Wanko, “Parallel computations for the analysis of delays in railway networks” (Bachelor thesis 03/2023, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn)
- Mustafa Alotbah, “Optimal design of photovoltaic systems” (Bachelor thesis 04/2022, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Philipp Bär, “Exploiting strict constraints in the computations of cylindrical algebraic coverings” (Bachelor thesis 08/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Patrick Chrestin, “Augmented reality for the visualization of wind farms with obstacle detection” (Bachelor thesis 08/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Greda Eshiba Emir, “Automated exercise generation for three satisfiability checking algorithms” (Bachelor thesis 07/2022, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Lina Gerlach, “Compositional modeling for stochastic hybrid systems” (Master thesis 07/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Sasan Vakili)
- Max Harder, “Generating coverings using virtual substitution for explanations in mcSAT” (Bachelor thesis 08/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Almut Herzog, “Optimal placement of wind turbines with different hub heights” (Bachelor thesis 04/2022, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Kai Hilgers, “An FMplex-inspired simplex heuristics” (Bachelor thesis 03/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Florian Hövelmann, “Heuristic layout optimization of central receiver systems” (Master thesis 12/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Maria Kazantzi, “Automated exercise generation for three selected satisfiability checking procedures” (Bachelor thesis 03/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Marcel Kröker, “Planning and site suitability of wind farms” (Master thesis 12/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Giang Lai, “Subtropical satisfiability for polynomial constraint sets” (Bachelor thesis 03/2022, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Valentin Promies, “Underapproximating cell bounds in MCSAT using low-degree polynomials” (Master thesis 08/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Jiani Qu, “Augmented reality for the visualisation of wind farms” (Master thesis 12/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Nicolai Radke, “Parameter synthesis for algebraic problems with a Boolean structure” (Master thesis 03/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám) [slides]
- Nadja Scherer, “A compositional modeling language for stochastic hybrid systems” (Bachelor thesis 03/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Sasan Vakili)
- Leon Valentin Spitzer, “Planning with sets: exploring different encodings” (Bachelor thesis 09/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Svenja Stein, “An incremental adaption of the FMPlex method for solving linear real algebraic formulas” (Bachelor thesis 05/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Valerie Tan, “Analyzing delay propagation in railway networks” (Master thesis 03/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn)
- Lena Verscht, “A transformation of hybrid Petri nets with general firings to stochastic hybrid automata” (Master thesis 11/2022, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Lukas Aldenhoff, “Raytracer for central receiver systems using GPU” (Master thesis 06/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Kim Amfaldern, Computing set difference for the reachability analysis of hybrid systems (Bachelor thesis 11/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Matthias Appenzeller, “Comparing two modeling formalisms for stochastic hybrid systems” (Bachelor thesis 05/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Marian Assenmacher, “Parallelization of a probabilistic railway timetable simulation” (Master thesis 05/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn)
- Thomas Bauer, “Quantifier elimination for real-arithmetic problems with Boolean structure using the Fourier-Motzkin method” (Bachelor thesis 2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- László Dirks, “A CEGAR approach for efficient planning” (Bachelor thesis 09/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Francesco Leofante)
- Tristan Ebert, “CEGAR approach for handling urgency in hybrid systems” (Master thesis 11/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Mostafa Elgayar, “Interactive visualization of shadow cast for wind farms” (Bachelor thesis 09/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Antoniu-Paul Filip, “Automated exercise generation for satisfiability modulo real algebra” (Bachelor thesis 10/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Lars Fischer, “Multi-step layout optimization of heliostat fields in central receiver systems” (Bachelor thesis 02/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Menghze Hua, “Approximate model checking for probabilistic rectangular automata with continuous-time probability distributions on jumps” (Master thesis 05/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Laura-Sophie Kirchner, “Automation and investigation of multi output machine learning control in buildings” (Master thesis 09/2021, supervision: Ahmed Abida, Erika Ábrahám)
- Paul Kobialka, “Connecting simplex and Fourier-Motzkin into a novel quantifier elimination method for linear real algebra” (Master thesis 07/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Niklas Kotowski, “Accelerating symbolic simulation to analyze the effect of delays in train timetables” (Master thesis 09/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn)
- Stefan Leachu, ”Optimal building control using system linearization based on a generalized physics model” (Master thesis 03/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Ahmed Abida)
- Dana Lenz, “Flexible encoding of scheduling problems using satisfiability modulo theories” (Bachelor thesis 2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Wei Lu, “Visualizing stochastic delay information for railway timetables”. (Master thesis 07/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Christoph von Oy, “Optimal design and scheduling of a smart city under uncertain renewable energy generation” (Master thesis 07/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Viktor Panichkin, “Auralization and visualization of wind farms using augmented reality” (Master thesis 07/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- André Poncelet, “Conflict generalization for quadratic real-arithmetic constraints in SMT-RAT” (Bachelor thesis 12/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Boris Schüpp, “Quantifier elimination using the virtual substitution” (Bachelor thesis 09/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Dogu Tamgac, “Star set representations in the reachability analysis of hybrid systems”, (Bachelor thesis 11/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Marvin Thelen, “Quantification of uncertainties and determination of sensitivities for biogeochemical ocean simulations” (Master thesis 04/2021, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Marvin Vogt, “Analysis of probabilistic hybrid automata in HyPro” (Bachelor thesis 03/2021, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Alexander Wiegel, “A python-based tool using parameter synthesis to find safe and unsafe regions of the parameter space” (Bachelor thesis 09/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Lukas Wilke, “Probabilistic hyperproperties with rewards” (Bachelor thesis 08/2021, supervision Erika Ábrahám)
- Fabian Alieff, “Simplex heuristics in SMT solving” (Bachelor thesis 11/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Leander Behr, “Extending flowpipe construction for compositional hybrid automata” (Bachelor thesis 10/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Serjoscha Bender, “Resource optimized scheduling of scientific solutions on CPU and GPU computing platforms” (Master thesis 12/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Daniel Cloerkes, “Reachability analysis of compositional hybrid systems” (Master thesis 01/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Hanna Franzen, “Conflict driven cylindrical algebraic coverings for nonlinear arithmetic in SMT solving” (Master thesis 02/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Jesse Germann, “Optimal climate control in buildings using linear programming” (Bachelor thesis 12/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Zeheng Gong, “Optimal control of volume flow in parabolic trough solar thermal power plants” (Bachelor thesis 12/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Daniel Heinen, “Purging spurious samples in the cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 11/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Hang Khuat, “Efficient implementation of HyperPCTL model checking” (Master thesis 07/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Christian Kiricenko, “Improving the usability and visualization for hybrid systems safety analysis” (Bachelor thesis 03/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Simon Klemp, “Classification and prediction of thermodynamic value ranges based on geometrical building data” (Bachelor thesis 12/2020, supervision: Ahmed Abida, Erika Ábrahám)
- Philip Kroll, “Efficient data structures for cylindrical algebraic coverings” (Bachelor thesis 10/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Yin-yin Lo, “Multi-step layout optimiation of wind turbines in offshore wind farms” (Bachelor thesis 09/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Frederick Lockemann, “Optimal control strategy for a virtual renewable power plant” (Bachelor thesis 12/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Jasper Nalbach, “A novel adaption of the simplex algorithm for linear real arithmetic” (Master thesis 03/2020, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Sergej Neuberger, “Safety verification and parameter synthesis for non-linear hybrid systems using Flow*” (Bachelor thesis 03/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Philippe Specht, “A level-wise variant of single cell construction in cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 09/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Jasper Nalbach)
- Nils Speetzen, “Heuristic aiming strategy for solar tower power plants ” (Bachelor thesis 08/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Niels von Stein, “Nowcasting of cloud shadows using neural networks” (Master thesis 03/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Phillip Tse, “Template polyhedra in hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Master thesis 04/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Laurids Vollmann, “Evolutionary optimization of wind farm and heliostat layout” (Master thesis 06/2020, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Hans Vrapi, “Freight train scheduling in bidirectional railway systems” (Bachelor thesis 09/2020, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn)
- Stella Coumbassa, “Optimal storage strategy for hybrid concentrated solar power – photovoltaic plants” (Master thesis 07/2019, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Julian Düstersiek, “Probabilistic optimization of offshore wind farms” (Bachelor thesis 03/2019, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Marta Grobelna, “Integration of hybrid systems verification methods in Matlab” (Master thesis 09/2019, supervision Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Florian Hövelmann, “Advanced raytracer for solar tower power plants” (Bachelor thesis 10/2019, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Niklas Kotowski, “Application of formal methods in autonomous vehicle control” (Bachelor thesis 07/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Denis Kuksaus, “SMT-basierte Lösung reell-algebraischer Probleme mittels Linearisierung” (Bachelor thesis 09/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Marwa Maghnie, “Simulation and optimization of offshore wind farms” (Master thesis 02/2019, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Leon Rabanus, “Probabilistic modeling of robot fleets in production logistics scenarios” (Bachelor thesis 01/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Francesco Leofante)
- Aklima Zaman, “Incremental linearization for SAT modulo real arithmetic solving” (Master thesis 04/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Karim Josef Abou Zeid, “Letterplace Gröbner bases, their implementation and applications” (Bachelor thesis 03/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Viktor Levandovskyy)
- Kristina Yaneva, “Optimal climate control in buildings using artificial intelligence” (Bachelor thesis 09/2019, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Süleyman Yetim, “Ermittlung von k-kürzesten Wegen im Schienenverkehr zwischen Aachen und Köln” (Bachelor thesis 01/2019, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Rebecca Haehn
- Lorena Calvo Bartolomé, “Using Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination for MCSAT explanations in SMT-RAT” (Bachelor thesis 09/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Igor Bongartz, “Explaining unsolvable planning tasks with unsatisfiable cores” (Master Thesis 12/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Francesco Leofante)
- Linus Franke, “Modelling and optimization of large scale solar tower power plants” (Master thesis 12/2018, supervision: Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám)
- Jan Hafer, “Using eigenvalue decomposition in hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 01/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Rebecca Haehn, “Using equational constraints in an incremental CAD projection” (Master thesis 03/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Sabrina Kielmann, “Comparing the expressivity and usabiliy of hybrid systems’ modeling languages” (Master thesis 03/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Henri Lotze, “Automated optimization in production planning” (Master thesis 09/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Christopher Lösbrock, “Implementing an incremental solver for difference logic” (Bachelor thesis 08/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer, Matthias Volk)
- Tom Neuhäuser, “Quantifier elimination by cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 09/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Malte Neuß, “Using single CAD cells as explanations in MCSAT-style SMT solving” (Master thesis 09/2018, supervision: Gereon Kremer)
- Ömer Sali, “Linearization techniques for nonlinear arithmetic problems in SMT” (Master thesis 08/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Lyudmila Vatskicheva, “Using simulation for counterexample validation in hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 03/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Georg Wicke, “Optimization of aiming strategies for heliostats in solar-thermal power plants” (Bachelor thesis 01/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Justin Winkens, “Context-dependent reachability analysis for hybrid automata” (Master thesis 08/2018, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Roni Cakar, “Uncertainty quantification of wind farm models” (Bachelor thesis 09/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Marta Grobelna, “Solving pseudo-Boolean constraints” (Bachelor thesis 07/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Wanja Hentze, “Computing minimal infeasible subsets for the cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 03/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Leonard Korp, “SMT-based planning for autonomous robot fleets”. (Bachelor thesis 08/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Francesco Leofante, Gereon Kremer)
- Jasper Nalbach, “Embedding the virtual substitution in the MCSAT framework” (Bachelor thesis 08/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám)
- Lukas Netz, “Analysis on discretization of gene parameters in evolutionary algorithms” (Master thesis 12/2017, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Pascal Richter)
- Igor Nicolai Bongartz, “Over-approximative reduction of polytopes in the context of hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 02/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Phillip Florian, “Optimizing reachabiliy analysis for non-autonomous systems using ellipsoids” (Master thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Simon Froitzheim, “Efficient conversion of geometric state set representations for hybrid systems” (Bachelor thesis 05/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Levin Gerdes, “Generation of probabilistic models for solar thermal power plants” (Master thesis 03/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Martin Frank)
- Rebecca Haehn, “Learning control strategies for hybrid vehicles using neural networks” (Bachelor thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen)
- Dustin Hütter, “Adaptive dynamic reachability analysis for linear hybrid automata” (Master thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Johannes Neuhaus, “Development of a modular approach for hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Schupp)
- Tarik Viehmann, “Comparing different projection operators in the cylindrical algebraic decomposition for SMT solving” (Bachelor thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Patricia Wessel, “Grid-based control strategy for hybrid vehicles” (Bachelor thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen)
- Tobias Winkler, “Using Thom encodings for real algebraic numbers in the cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 09/2016, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Andreas Krüger, “Bitvectors in SMT-RAT and their application to integer arithmetics” (Master thesis 10/2015, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Lukas Netz, “Using Horner schemes to improve the efficiency and precision of interval constraint propagation” (Bachelor thesis 09/2015, additional advisor: Florian Corzilius, Stefan Schupp)
- Lukas Neuberger, “Generation of infeasible subsets in less-lazy SMT-solving for the theory of uninterpreted functions” (Bachelor thesis 09/2015, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Gereon Kremer)
- Matthias Volk, “Using SAT solvers for industrial combinatorial problems” (Master thesis 11/2015, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Florian Corzilius)
- Kai Driessen, “Modular verification for PLC controlled hybrid systems” (Master thesis 09/2014, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen)
- Maik Glatki, “A zonotope library for hybrid systems reachability analysis” (Bachelor thesis 01/2014, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Jürgen Giesl)
- Dustin Hütter, “SMT solving for linear integer arithmetic” (Bachelor thesis 08/2014, supervision: Florian Corzilius, Erika Ábrahám, Jürgen Giesl)
- Christopher Kugler, “A polytope library for the reachability analysis of hybrid systems” (Master thesis 09/2014, supervision: Stefan Schupp, Erika Ábrahám)
- Matthias Ewert, “Modellierung des Radialverdichters eines PKW-Abgasturboladers” (Master thesis 12/2013, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Richard Aymanns, Dominik Lückmann)
- Kim Maren Haps, “Datatypes and tools for the analysis of hybrid systems” (Bachelor thesis 06/2013, supervision: Johanna Nellen, Erika Ábrahám, Jürgen Giesl)
- Georg Jenneßen, “Optimierung eines Heliostatsfeldes unter Einsatz eines genetischen Algorithmus” (Diploma thesis 03/2013, supervision:Pascal Richter, Erika Ábrahám, Martin Frank)
- Sebastian Junges, “On Gröbner bases in SMT-compliant decision procedures” (Bachelor thesis 02/2013, supervision:Erika Ábrahám, Ulrich Loup).
- Gereon Kremer, “Isolating real roots using adaptable-precision interval arithmetic” (Master thesis 09/2013, supervision: Ulrich Loup, Erika Ábrahám)
- Amith Belur Nagabushana, “Minimal critical subsystems for PCTL” (Master thesis 05/2013, supervision: Nils Jansen, Erika Ábrahám, Joost-Pieter Katoen)
- Henrik Schmitz, “Parallel user-defined strategies for QFNRA” (Diploma thesis 04/2013, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Florian Corzilius)
- Stefan Schupp, “Interval constraint propagation in SMT-compliant decision procedures” (Master thesis 03/2013, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Florian Corzilius, Ulrich Loup)
- Marian Van de Veire, “Minimal critical subsystems for probabilistic models with nondeterminism” (Diploma thesis 2013, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Nils Jansen, Joost-Pieter Katoen)
- Andreas Vorpahl, “Compositional counterexamples for MDPs” (Master thesis 2013, supervision: Nils Jansen, Erika Ábrahám, Joost-Pieter Katoen)
- Kai Driessen, “Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for hybrid SFC verification” (Bachelor thesis 09/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen)
- Alin Ionascu, “Modeling and controler synthesis of hybrid propulsion systems using artificial intelligence” (Master thesis 11/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen, Ulrich Loup)
- Canan Kasaci, “Model-based resource monitoring and optimization” (Master thesis 01/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Stefan Kowalewski, ASML)
- Thomas Osterland, “Memory- and time-related action qualifiers in HSFCs” (Bachelor thesis 12/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Johanna Nellen)
- Joachim Redies, “An extension of the GiNaCRA library for the cylindrical algebraic decomposition” (Bachelor thesis 01/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Ulrich Loup, Peter Rossmanith)
- Maik Scheffler, “Hierarchical counterexamples for DTMCs – Case studies” (Diploma thesis 2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Nils Jansen)
- Dennis Scully, “Preprocessing for solving non-linear real-arithmetic formulas” (Bachelor thesis 09/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Florian Corzilius)
- Matthias Volk, “Verification and synthesis for parametric Markov chains” (Bachelor thesis 09/2012, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Nils Jansen, Florian Corzilius)
- Florian Corzilius, “Virtual substitution in SMT solving” (Diploma thesis 12/2010, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Ulrich Loup)
- Pascal Richter, “Simulation und Auslegungsoptimierung solarthermischer Kraftwerke unter Einsatz evolutionärer Algorithmen und neuronaler Netze” (Diploma thesis 12/2009, supervision: Erika Ábrahám, Volker Wittwer)