Steam Governor


Flow* wattSteam.model

Model description

We study the steam governor system described in [1]. It is a continuous system defined by the following ODE.

     \[  \left\{  \begin{array}{lcl}  \dot{x} & = & y \\  \dot{y} & = & z^2 \cdot \sin(x) \cdot \cos(x) - \sin(x) - \epsilon\cdot y \\  \dot{z} & = & \alpha \cdot (\cos(x) - \beta)  \end{array}  \right. \]

wherein  \epsilon ,  \alpha and  \beta are constants. As it is proved in [1] that the system has an asymptotically stable equilibrium when  \epsilon > 2\cdot \alpha \cdot \beta^{\frac{3}{2}} .

Reachability settings

We consider the initial set  x\in [0.9,1.1] ,  y\in [-0.1,0.1] ,  z \in [0.9,1.1] and the constants  \epsilon = 3 ,  \alpha = 1 and  \beta = 1 .


The following figure shows an overapproximation computed by Flow* for the time horizon  [0,10] :



[1] J. Sotomayor, L. Mello, D. Braga. Bifurcation analysis of the Watt governor system. Computational & Applied Mathematics, Vol. 26, No. 1, pages 19-44, SBMAC, 2007.