5-dimensional switching linear system


# of variables # of modes # of jumps
5 5 5
Type Continuous dynamics Guards & Invariants Resets
hybrid linear polynomial none constant


Flow* switching_5.zip
SpaceEx 5_dim_linear_switch.zip

Model description

It is a piecewise linear system with different controlled continuous dynamics. The matrices A, B, C,  D describing the  modes of the hybrid  system are generated randomly by using the rss() Matlab function.  The  generated systems are then stabilized with an LQR controller to garantee a convergence to a stable attracting region. The transitions are determined heuristically by means of simulations.
The proposed benchmark consists of 5 modes und 5 transitions. The continuous dynamics in each mode q_i, i=1,...,5 is described by the following ODE:

     \[ \dot{x} = A_i x+B_i u \]

where  x \in \mathbb{R}^{5}  is the state vector, u is an input signal confined  in  compact bounded set U and

A_1=\scriptsize \begin{pmatrix}   -0.8047  &  8.7420 &  -2.4591 &  -8.2714 &  -1.8640\\ -8.6329 &  -0.5860 &  -2.1006  &  3.6035 &  -1.8423\\ 2.4511  &  2.2394 &  -0.7538 &  -3.6934 & 2.4585\\ 8.3858 &  -3.1739 &   3.7822 &  -0.6249 &   1.8829\\ 1.8302  &   1.9869 &  -2.4539  & -1.7726 &  -0.7911\end{pmatrix},

A_2 = \scriptsize \begin{pmatrix}-0.8316 & 8.7658 &   -2.4744 &   -8.2608 &   -1.9033\\ -8.6329 &   -0.5860 &   -2.1006 & 3.6035 &   -1.8423\\ 2.451 1 & 2.2394 &   -0.7538 &   -3.6934 & 2.4585\\ 8.3858 &   -3.1739 & 3.7822 &   -0.6249 & 1.8829\\ 1.5964 & 2.193 6 &   -2.5872 &   -1.6812 &   -1.1324\end{pmatrix},

A_3 =\scriptsize \begin{pmatrix}-0.9275 & 8.8628 &   -2.5428 &   -8.2329 &   -2.0324\\ -8.6329 &   -0.5860 &   -2.1006 & 3.6035 &   -1.8423\\ 2.4511 & 2.2394 &   -0.7538 &   -3.6934 & 2.4585\\ 8.3858 &   -3.1739 & 3.7822 &   -0.6249 & 1.8829\\ 0.7635 & 3.0357 &   -3.1814 &   -1.4388 &   -2.2538\end{pmatrix},

A_4=\scriptsize \begin{pmatrix}-1.0145& 8.9701&   -2.6207&   -8.2199&   -2.1469\\ -8.6329&   -0.5860&   -2.1006& 3.6035&   -1.8423\\ 2.4511& 2.2394&   -0.7538&   -3.6934& 2.4585\\ 8.3858&   -3.1739& 3.7822&   -0.6249& 1.8829\\ 0.0076& 3.9682&   -3.8578&   -1.3253&   -3.2477\end{pmatrix},

A_5=\scriptsize  \begin{pmatrix}-1.4021&   10.1647&   -3.3937&   -8.5139&   -2.9602\\ -8.6329&   -0.5860&   -2.1006& 3.6035&   -1.8423\\ 2.4511& 2.2394&   -0.7538&   -3.6934& 2.4585\\ 8.3858&   -3.1739& 3.7822&   -0.6249& 1.8829\\ -3.3585&   14.3426&  -10.5703&   -3.8785&  -10.3111\end{pmatrix},

B_1=...=B_5= \scriptsize \begin{pmatrix}  -0.0845\\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\-0.7342\end{pmatrix},

The corresponding hybrid automaton is given in fig.1.

Fig.1: Hybrid automaton of the benchmark.

Fig.1: Hybrid automaton of the benchmark.

Reachability settings

We use the initial set

  • x_1=3.1, x_2=4, x_3=0, x_4=0, x_5=0
  • u \in[-1,1]

with the initial location q_1. The time horizion is set to T=1.


SpaceEx results for a time horizon T=1s and box directions :

5_dim_switch_3 5_dim_switch_2 5_dim_switch_1