Lab: Planning, Simulation, and Optimization of Wind Farms


This lab further develops an existing tool for planning, simulating, and optimizing wind farms.

The simulation module is concerned with computing energy output and construction/maintenance costs for a given wind farm. Due to the wake effects, such a simulation must consider the interaction of all wind turbines in a wind farm.

Based on the simulation, we develop optimization methods to find good wind farm layouts. Optimization parameters include the position and type of wind turbines for a given site. Optimization objectives include energy output, wind farm costs, shadow flicker, and noise emissions.

As part of the scientific process, we evaluate and validate the written code with existing wind farm simulation and optimization tools.

Our code is integrated into a wind farm planning framework that enables finding suitable areas based on local regulations. It further implements APIs for GIS, weather, or topography data.

We will have weekly meetings where we discuss the work done in the week and plan for the next week. We are looking for people who like to work in a team, but are capable of solving problems on their own if necessary.


The code is written in python, good knowledge of the language is required.


This lab takes place in the Theory of Hybrid Systems (i2) research group headed by Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám. The lab will be supervised by Nicolai Radke. For further questions please contact Nicolai Radke.