Rebecca Haehn

haehn at
+49 241 80 21243
Room 4228
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen

I am a PhD student in the DFG research training group UnRAVeL. My supervisors are Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Nießen. I am working on satisfiability checking for optimization of timetables in railway systems.


DOI [bibtex]
title = {Acceleration Techniques for Symbolic Simulation of Railway Timetables},
author = {Rebecca Haehn and Erika Ábrahám and Niklas Kotowski},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {LNCS},
volume = {13294},
pages = {46-62},
type = {Conference Paper},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-05814-1_4},
url = {},
Rebecca Haehn, Erika Ábrahám, Niklas Kotowski. Acceleration Techniques for Symbolic Simulation of Railway Timetables, 4. International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems (RSSRail 2022), Volume 13294 of LNCS, 46-62, Springer, 2022.
DOI fulltext PDF [bibtex]
title = {Optimisation and analysis of railway timetables under consideration of uncertainties},
author = {Rebecca Haehn},
publisher = {RWTH Aachen University},
institution = {RWTH Aachen University},
pages = {1 Online-Ressource : Illustrationen, Diagramme},
type = {PhD Thesis},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2022-10063},
url = {},
Rebecca Haehn. Optimisation and analysis of railway timetables under consideration of uncertainties, PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 1 Online-Ressource : Illustrationen, Diagramme, RWTH Aachen University, 2022.
DOI [bibtex]
title = {Symbolic Simulation of Railway Timetables Under Consideration of Stochastic Dependencies},
author = {Rebecca Haehn and Erika Ábrahám and Nils Nießen},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {LNCS},
volume = {12846},
pages = {257-275},
type = {Conference Paper},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-85172-9_14},
url = {},
Rebecca Haehn, Erika Ábrahám, Nils Nießen. Symbolic Simulation of Railway Timetables Under Consideration of Stochastic Dependencies, 18. International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2021), Volume 12846 of LNCS, 257-275, Springer, 2021.
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