This lab is about to develop an Android and iOS app for computing the energy efficiency of buildings. A dialogue tool is created in which homeowner can get an information about their current energetic situation and possible energetic improvements (e.g. installing a photovoltaic system or insulation). Furthermore, they can get in contact with craftsmen for the different improvement steps. This all will help for a faster transition into a CO2-reduced world.

Knowledge in web programming (AngularJS, Nx, Docker, Three.js, Leaflet) or web design is needed, since you will be working on an existing platform from a previous group and extend it with new functionality. Furthermore, experience in App development for Android and iOS (ionic) would be helpful.
We will have weekly online meetings where we discuss the work done in the week and plan ahead for the next week. We are looking for people that like to work in a team, but are capable to solve problems on their own if necessary. If you are interested, please state your experience for the above technologies.
This project takes place in the Theory of Hybrid Systems (i2) research group headed by Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám. The project will be co-supervised by Pascal Richter. For further questions please contact Pascal Richter.